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University of Sao Paulo

A selection of highly motivated and talented students from across the country
"The seed is strong". Take a handful of motivated people, with background ranging from Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Biomedicine and Informatics. Give them a scientific challenge and the resources to address it. The science will grow strong with them...
Synthetic Biology Core

Prof. Rafael Silva Rocha
Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology
Head of the Synthetic Biology Core
Bachelor degree in Biology (UFPa-Brazil, 2017), PhD in Molecular Biology (UAM-Spain, 2011). Since 2015 is assistant professor at the Molecular and Cell Biology Department of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School. His main interest is to understand the basic principles of regulatory networks in microorganisms.

Lummy Monteiro

Leonardo Santana
Leonardo Santana

Luísa Nora
PhD students
Bachelor degree in Biochemistry (UFV-Brazil, 2013), Master degree in Biochemistry (FMRP-Brazil, 2016). PhD student of Biochemistry at FMRP. Her current interest is to understand the complexity of gene regulation in bacteria using synthetic promoters.

Ananda Medeiros
Bachelor degree in Biomedical Sciences (FMRP-USP, 2017). PhD student at FMRP. She works on the deconstruction of complex regulatory systems in the model bacterium Escherichia coli.
Bachelor degree in Biotechnology (UFG-Brazil, 2016). PhD student of Biochemistry at FMRP. His main focus is to use Synthetic Biology approaches to construct novel promoter elements to engineer filamentous fungi for biofuel production.

Greicy Pereira
Bachelor degree in Biology (UFSCar-Brazil, 2014), Master degree in Cell and Molecular Biology (FMRP-Brazil, 2018). PhD student of Cell and Molecular Biology at FMRP. Her main focus is to understand decision making in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Bachelor degree in Biology (UCS-Brazil, 2015), Master degree in Molecular and Cell Biology at FMRP. PhD student of Cell and Molecular Biology at FMRP. Her main interest is to use Synthetic Biology to engineer yeast for wast valorization and fine-chemical production.

Larwsk Hayann
Bachelor dergee in Biomedicine (FMN-Brazil, 2016), Master Degree in Biochemistry at University of Porto (Portugal). PhD student of Cell and Molecular Biology at FMRP. He is currently working on the use of Cell-Free Systems for Synthetic Biology applications.

Murilo Cassiano
Undergrad students

Bianca Naomi
Undergraduate student of Biomedical Informatics at FMRP/FFCLRP. He works on the development of new computational tools for the identification of promoters in genomes/metagenomes.
Undergraduate student of Biomedical Informatics at FMRP/FFCLRP. She works on the integration of cis-regulatory information and gene expression data to investigate native complex promoters in bacteria.

Bárbara Romagnoli
Undergraduate student of Biomedical Informatics at FMRP/FFCLRP. She mainly works on the development of new computational tools to predict regulatory logic of natural and synthetic complex promoters.
Gabriel Lencioni Lovate, Undergraduate student. 2015 - 2017.
Gerardo Ruiz Amores, PhD student. 2014 - 2017.
Letícia Magalhães Arruda, Post-doctoral researcher. 2015 - 2017.
Cauã Antunes Westmann, Master student. 2016-2019.
Adriano Silva, Master student. 2018-2020.
Juliana Rojas, Master student. 2018-2020.
Kauan Gomes, Master student. 2018-2020.
Marina Corbani, Undergraduate student. 2018 - 2019.
Ana Denardi, Undergraduate student. 2019 - 2020.
Metagenomics Core

Prof. María Eugenia Guazzaroni
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
Head of the Metagenomics Core
Bachelor degree in Microbiology (UNRC-Argentina, 2001), PhD in Biochemistry (UGR-Spain, 2007). Since 2015 is assistant professor at the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Literature of Ribeirão Preto. Her group is committed to provide new, high efficient platforms for the construction and functional screening of metagenomic libraries using synthetic biology approaches.

Ana Scaranello
Bachelor degree in Biomedicine (UNIUBE-Brazil, 2008). Her work is directed to the searching of new antibiotic resistance determinants in pathogenic bacteria using functional multigenomics.
PhD student

Luana Alves

Tiago Cabral
Bachelor degree in Biochemistry (UFSJ-Brazil, 2013), Master degree in Biochemistry (FMRP-Brazil, 2016), PhD student of Biochemistry at FMRP. Her current interest is identify novel biocatalysts using metagenomic approaches.

Guilherme Siqueira
Bachelor degree in Biotechnology (UnB-Brazil, 2017), Master in Biochemistry (FMRP-Brazil, 2020). He currently is studying strategies to expand acid resistance in bacteria using combinatorial synthetic circuits and genes selected by functional metagenomics.
Master students

Gabriel Lovate
Bachelor degree in Biology (FFCLRP-Brazil, 2018). He currently is performing the identification of antimicrobial resistance genes in genomic data from Brazilian isolated bacteria.
Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (FCFRP-Brazil, 2018). Presently he is working in a project aiming to identify antimicrobial resistance genes through functional metagenomic approaches.

Italo Santana
Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (FCFRP-Brazil, 2018). Presently he is working in a project aiming to identify antimicrobial resistance genes through functional metagenomic approaches.
Undergrad students

Caroline Moda
Undergraduate student of Biology at FFCLRP. Currently, she works in the characterization of translation levels of variants of synthetic bacterial ribosome binding sites.

Ninna Hirata
Undergraduate student of Biomedical Informatics at FMRP/FFCLRP. Her current work aims to the identification of genes encoding chaperones in metagenomic databases.

Felipe dos Santos
Undergraduate student of Biomedical Informatics at FMRP/FFCLRP. He is developing a project aiming the identification of antimicrobial resistance genes using metagenomic data.
Lab technician

Thalita Prado
Bachelor degree in Biology (FFCLRP-Brazil). She performs different tasks inherent of a lab of microbiology and molecular biology, as well as the general maintenance of the laboratory.
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